More write-up to follow soon! But in meantime here are some more pics.

My clowns! They are great!

Clowning around with the 12-19 year olds

The adolescents and young adults learning theater which they bring into the community presenting shows about relevant issues

The youngsters who live at the Maison des Enfants (because they have no parents or can't live with their parents)

Voleak, a spirited young girl who lives in the Children's House
.... and Apheap goofing around


Peter said...


I think that this is a wonderful thing which you are doing, and it looks like loads of fun and great satisfaction.


Andy Gray said...

I have a video slideshow from your time at Wat Opot on my blog. You don't know me, but I visit Wat Opot with volunteers several times a year. Thanks for what you did. Here is a link (below).

You can easily put the video on this blog if you want (I can send you the embed code from Facebook if you need it.

Actually, I just "friended" you on Facebook, so if you confirm me you can get the video from my page (or tell me to take it down if you don't like it -- that's okay).

My blog is at:

The video is at:
(just scroll down or click the video category to find it quickly)

Andy Gray